10 Top Reasons Why Leadership Fails

10 Top Reasons Why Leadership Fails

(1) Lack of attention to detail Effective leadership requires the ability to access and fully understand details. A good leader is never so ‘too busy’ to do what is necessary for his leadership. When either the leader or his followers say that they do not have enough time to change their plans or consider an urgent matter, it is a sign of their inexperience. A successful leader must have complete knowledge of every detail related to his position. Obviously it also means that they have to get used to associating those details with qualified followers.

(2) Lack of Willingness to Do Anything – A true leader is always willing to do whatever he expects others to do. Every competent leader observes and respects the person who believes that he is the servant of all.

(3) Expecting wages for what one ‘knows’ instead of what one knows by doing – The world does not pay people for what they ‘know’, but what one does or gets others to do.

(4) Fear of competition from associates – A leader who fears that any of his associates will usurp his position sooner or later comes true. An effective leader communicates some important details about his position to his trusted representative. Any leader can strengthen his position by implementing this method and can focus on many things at once. The reality is that someone who has the ability to get other people to do the work gets paid more than someone who puts in the effort themselves. An effective leader can significantly increase the performance of others with the help of thorough knowledge of his work and attractive personality and motivate them to give more and better service even without his help.

(5) Lack of Imagination- Without imagination no leader can not only face the crisis situation but also formulate effective plans to guide his associates properly.

(6) Selfishness – a leader who tries to take all the credit for the work done by his associates – leads to dissatisfaction. A true leader never claims for any respect, but is happy if any such respect is given to any of his associates because he knows very well that most people are not just for money, but for praise. But they work hard.

(7) Lack of Endurance If a leader lacks endurance, followers will not respect him. Also, excess in any form destroys one’s stamina and efficiency.

(8) Lack of Loyalty – This issue should probably come first on the list. A leader who is not loyal to his associates, superiors, subordinates cannot sustain leadership for long. A person without loyalty is not worth as much as dust and is subject to people’s scorn. of loyalty lack causes failure in every area of ​​life.

(9) Attempt to establish leadership ‘authority’ — A competent leader does not try to create fear among colleagues, but leads the team by encouraging them. Leaders who try to exert ‘power’ over their followers become coercive become a leader. A true leader does not have to advertise his authority, but automatically earns the respect of subordinates by demonstrating empathy, understanding, justice, and knowing his job well.

(10) Insistence on rank – An effective leader does not need a ‘rank’ on the basis of which subordinates respect him. A person who performs above and beyond the call of duty rarely does anything else It must be emphasized. A true leader’s office doors are open to everyone and their working hours are also free from any formalities or pomp. These are some of the most common causes of leadership failure.

    Any one of these features is enough to fail. If you want to take up leadership, study the above list carefully and try to avoid such mistakes or traits.

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