Your specific main purpose

Your specific main purpose

Your specific core purpose is the goal that is most important to you at the moment. It is a goal that helps you achieve many other goals. It should have the following features.

1. It should be something that you personally really want are you Your desire for this goal should be so intense that the very thought of it gives you extreme happiness and excitement.

2. The goal should be clear and specific. You should be able to express it in words. You should be able to write it clearly enough that even a child can read and understand.

3. It should be measurable or countable, instead of ‘I want to earn a lot of money’, the goal should be ‘I want to earn ten lakh rupees a year by this date’.

4. The goal should be attainable. Your specific main goal should not be so big or ridiculous that it is completely unattainable.

5. Your specific main objective should have a reasonable chance of success (eg fifty percent). If you have never achieved a big goal before in life, set a goal that has an 80 to 90 percent chance of success. It is in your best interest to keep such a simple goal in the beginning. Gradually you will be able to set big goals with a low percentage of probability and still take necessary steps to achieve them, but initially take on goals that are believable, achievable and have a high probability of success, so that your confidence grows.

6. Your specific main purpose should be in harmony with your other goals. You cannot aim to watch cricket matches on television for a whole year with the goal of being financially successful in your career! Your big goals should match your small goals and align with your values.

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